
Google Analytics – no data validation?

Recently, one of our clients contacted about something rather strange: a „language” value in his newly Google Analytics setup that stated: „Secret.ɢoogle.com You are invited! Enter only with this ticket URL. Copy it. Vote for Trump!”

Of course, we all know that browser headers/requests can be easily altered, but we still wonder why Google allows such values in it’s [non-bot] visitor-related reports. And if it does some data validation / sanitizing or not really.

Google Secret Trump
Google Analytics: Secret.ɢoogle.com You are invited! Enter only with this ticket URL. Copy it. Vote for Trump!

P.S. Beware that „secret.ɢoogle.com” differs from „secret.google.com”. Here are the ASCII code values:
Secret.ɢoogle.com: 115 101 099 114 101 116 046 201 162 111 111 103 108 101 046 099 111 109
secret.google.com: 115 101 099 114 101 116 046 103 111 111 103 108 101 046 099 111 109

Google Search Suggestions: Mirai

Google Search suggestions show an increase interest and, maybe, demand in Mirai – the piece of software used to create botnets capable of [very large] DDoS attacks. Brace yourself for new strains and attacks.

Mirai Suggestions
Mirai Suggestions

P.S. The part with „mirai botnet tutorial” is kind of funny. Kind of.

New IoT Malware? Anime/Kami

During August 2016, we came across several devices that were infected with a new malware that we couldn’t identify – for now. It resides in a read-write partition of some CCTV devices (most partitions on these devices are read-only), in a folder called .anime under the name .kami. It seems the attack used hard-coded telnet credentials and then downloaded the now-unknown malware(or maybe created the file via „echo” commands).

CCTV Malware

We failed to identify it, since it’s truncated – the final file seems to be bigger than the partition it was created on (mounted as /mnt/mtd).

.kami: ERROR: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Renesas SH, version 1 (SYSV), statically linkederror reading (Invalid argument)

The MD5 of it:

cdd887f2112b3d87b96154ca492368a8 .kami

For now, all we can recommend is to move devices from DMZ to proper port-forwarding and, where needed, install a router as a firewall in front of them.