Рубрика: <span>Case Studies</span>

Проблемы с доставкой почты в Hotmail, ICloud или Outlook?

Мы проверим ваш сервер DNS записи конфигурации, если как-то черный список IP-сервер (и, самое главное, почему) и мы будем выдавать отчет или пообщаться с ИТ-отдела/поддержки. После этого мы можем решить все проблемы для вас, или показать ваш ИТ-отдел/услуги как это сделать.

New IoT Malware? Anime/Kami

During August 2016, we came across several devices that were infected with a new malware that we couldn’t identify — for now. It resides in a read-write partition of some CCTV devices (most partitions on these devices are read-only), in a folder called .anime under the name .kami. It seems the attack used hard-coded telnet credentials and then downloaded the now-unknown malware(or maybe created the file via «echo» commands).

CCTV Malware

We failed to identify it, since it’s truncated — the final file seems to be bigger than the partition it was created on (mounted as /mnt/mtd).

.kami: ERROR: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Renesas SH, version 1 (SYSV), statically linkederror reading (Invalid argument)

The MD5 of it:

cdd887f2112b3d87b96154ca492368a8 .kami

For now, all we can recommend is to move devices from DMZ to proper port-forwarding and, where needed, install a router as a firewall in front of them.

Автоматизация резервного копирования данных / синхронизация через RDP

One of our clients asked us if we could provide a solution to automate data backup (logs, DB files, documents etc) only via RDP.

Website Projects — Our Own Websites

We use a mix of different technologies to create various solutions for our clients. WEB Developing — Desktop, Mobile or Responsive Our own website, suited for both desktop, but also mobile devices evosec.eu Our sister website, suited for both desktop, but also mobile devices dahua.evosec.eu Add your project hereor just …