Recently, one of our clients contacted about something rather strange: a „language“ value in his newly Google Analytics setup that stated: „Secret.ɢ You are invited! Enter only with this ticket URL. Copy it. Vote for Trump!“
Of course, we all know that browser headers/requests can be easily altered, but we still wonder why Google allows such values in it’s [non-bot] visitor-related reports. And if it does some data validation / sanitizing or not really.
![Google Secret Trump](
P.S. Beware that „secret.ɢ“ differs from „“. Here are the ASCII code values:
Secret.ɢ 115 101 099 114 101 116 046 201 162 111 111 103 108 101 046 099 111 109 115 101 099 114 101 116 046 103 111 111 103 108 101 046 099 111 109